Make Valentine's Day extra special! Don't miss our Mommy & Me Toddler Event on 2/14/2025, 10 AM - 11 AM!
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Arts & Crafts, Jungle Gyms, Music and More

HuckleBerry Play is a brand-new, interactive, and fun-filled indoor/outdoor playground in Morris Plains, NJ. Children’s parties, summer camps, and open play are all welcome. We cram dancing, climbing, and soft play into a state-of-the-art 15,000-square-foot facility. Featuring learning to the rafters and fun galore, your child will love their time at our playground. We have games and equipment for toddlers through eighth graders, ensuring a fun time for all. Most importantly, we prioritize safety by regularly sanitizing all surfaces and using a top-notch surveillance system for your child’s safety.

Endless Fun for a Lifetime Memory

We have worked hard to create a place where your child – no matter their age – can have fun and build foundational memories. We sincerely hope they remember their 10th birthday party, summer camp when they were seven, and more. We all have childhood memories that stick with us, and we hope your child's experience with us never leaves them.

We Provide a Place for Parents to Relax

In addition to a seemingly endless array of opportunities for fun, our facility also includes the Huckleberry Café, where parents and children can enjoy a beverage or snack. If you need access to Wi-Fi, you’ll find it for free. We strive to make the Huckleberry experience easy on parents and guardians, in addition to fun for the kids.


Combining Fun and Learning for a Memorable Experience

We know parents have their hands full. We’ve done our part by creating an environment where your child will have the run of a place that sparks imagination, creativity, and fun.


Our Lego room is the perfect place for kids to show off their creative skills, and an interactive art wall brings your child’s inner Van Gogh to life.


Your child can dress up as a pirate, sing shanties, and don a robot costume in our dress-up play station, and the market station is perfect for all ages.

Pure Fun

Sometimes, all your child needs are a few hours of no-nonsense fun. That’s what our zip line, amongst a host of other activities are for.


Bust a move in the dance room. Balance on beams, jump to their heart’s content, and practice balancing skills. Most importantly, you’ll get your kid away from the screens and into the world.


The little ones can crawl and fall in our padded area, giving them opportunities to experience a new world. And our open layout includes a massive ball pit, thrilling slides, and climbing obstacles.

Join Our Exciting Robotics Classes for Young Builders!

Robotics is an exciting way for kids to explore creativity and problem-solving! We offer engaging hands-on classes designed for young minds eager to build, experiment, and learn. Our STEAM Junior Builders with Duplo® class introduces little engineers to the fundamentals of robotics through fun, interactive play. Meanwhile, Kinder Bots Robotics takes learning further by incorporating coding and advanced building challenges.

Children will explore gears, motors, and sensors while enhancing their teamwork and critical-thinking skills. Plus, sign up now and enjoy a free trial along with a $25 Open Play Pass!

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2651 Route 10 East
Morris Plains, NJ 07950


Hours of Operations
Monday: 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM
Saturday: 8:30 AM – 06:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM

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